Interview with @toastradahmus

 In Interviews

By @beermanphotography

Q: How long have you been a toy photographer?

A: I started toy photography around 7 years ago (2013). I dabbled for a little while. I started to really take it seriously in 2015 when I realized just how much fun I was having.

IG @toastradahmus

Q: What got you started in toy photography?

A: An old friend of mine would carry around with him a little superman everywhere he went. No articulation or realism to the figure, but he would just photograph it in different places for fun. I thought it was such a great idea and wanted to take things a bit farther. So I got myself these cheap ninja turtle figures, and started shooting them around my property in various poses. I realized how much fun I was having and how it really ignited my imagination. Made me think outside the box while at the same time allowing me to have fun and just play with toys.

IG @toastradahmus

Q:What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?

A: It’s really difficult to choose just one! I love all my figures. But I’d say my Mezco One:12 Blade. His articulation is astounding, and he comes with a cornucopia of accessories to boot! My Deadpool is a close second though. Articulation is amazing and he’s Deadpool! You can insert him in to literally any universe and it makes sense!

Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?

A: It honestly depends on what kind of photo I’m trying to take. I love to go outside and shoot in the woods or by the beach for more epic shots. But I have my own little setup inside of my apartment where I shoot my close and personal shots. It depends on what kind of mood I’m trying to set with the figures.

IG @toastradahmus

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?

A: I wouldn’t necessarily call it weird. But one time I was shooting my Blade I had mentioned before and my Deadpool of the same brand. I wanted to do a standoff kind of shot, like they were battling. I like to listen to music in my headphones when I shoot because it helps me focus on what’s in front of me. I’m in the zone, just moving them and posing them, trying to get the right shot and focus. I stand up to stretch my legs and take a breather and I notice 5 people are standing around me. They apparently had been there a while just watching me and loving what I was doing. I didn’t even notice them! They proceeded to tell me how cool they thought it was and really seemed to take a liking to my Blade figure. They thought it was so cool!

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

A: I would absolutely love the ability to control all the elements, like the Avatar! It would just make my life so much more convenient. I’d be able to fly, shoot flames from my hands, move stone and earth, not to mention being able to control water, which is everywhere! I’d be such a cool superhero!

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