An interview with @maryfoxfirebird

 In Interviews

Hello, @beermanphotography here with another interview!

Thank you for participating in this interview, I am very excited to talk with you! How long have you been a toy photographer? 

A: 10 years… My anniversary was in August. Time flies.

IG @maryfoxfirebird

Q: What got you started in toy photography? 

A: I graduated with a degree in Film from Full Sail. After graduating I moved back to Maine and started working for a local tv station. Not finding a way to tell my own stories. I was still and currently still nervous about directing on taking pictures of actual live people. Action figures were the next best thing. They don’t complain about long hours, the weather or a paycheck.

IG @maryfoxfirebird

Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?

A: Age of Ultron Thor. When I came back from New Zealand, my backpack was stolen. Inside it was my entire life, my figure collection, my clothes and my 30yr old koala. By some twist of fate Thor was in my jacket, despite all that I lost he gave me hope.

Q: What is your favorite place to take photos? 

A: I’ve been very lucky to take some of my figures around the world. That being said it’s nice to have a home base and taking pictures there.

IG @maryfoxfirebird

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?

A: In Trafalgar Square in London some folks wanted to borrow Wonder Woman for their group shot. In Auckland I was asked to leave a casino while taking pic of Thor. A well meaning stranger stepped in and made a scene. He was loud and using his bright flash to capture Thor’s awesomeness attracted a security guard. The gentleman threw me under the bus and got to stay while I was asked to leave. Most times when I shoot in public, folks are awesome and supportive.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

A: Teleportation like Nightcrawler. I’ve been cooped up in my house for 3 months and I have friends all over the world I would love to see.

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