An interview with @gil_toyphotography
Hello, @beermanphotography here with another interview!
Thank you for participating in this interview, I am very excited to talk with you! How long have you been a toy photographer?
A: It’s been over 3 years.
Q: What got you started in toy photography?
A: Since my childhood I’ve been passionate about toys, cinema, comics…. In March 2017 I decided to give Instagram a try. So I began to search toy-related accounts…and it was THE revelation of 2017 (ahahahah) . I decided to also give it a try and what a blast.
Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?
A: Very good question…Predators. They are so inspiring; I just can’t get enough.
Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?
A: My favorite place to shoot is in the woods. It’s so quiet and also perfect for Predators.
Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?
A: It was in Autumn; I was doing a photo shoot with a Predator. I did not find the perfect place to shoot. So, I decided to walk a little bit deeper into the woods. Everything was set and I began to shoot. Suddenly I heard something behind me…I was like OMG…don’t tell me it’s a boar…Decided to slowly get up and take a look behind. It was only a big dog who was sniffing around and curious about what I was doing. After few seconds I heard someone call him and he went back. So…no need for me to run to da choppaaaaaaaaa.
Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
A: Teleportation would be so amazing, want to shoot in the snow, ZAP…in the mountains. Sand? ZAP…at the beach. Would be awesome and easier for carrying all the stuff.