Interview with @bad_bones_

 In Interviews

By @beermanphotography

Q: How long have you been a toy photographer?

A: (@bad_bones_) I started toy photography and my Insta page just over a year ago.

Q: What got you started in toy photography?

A:  I’d been a toy collector for quite a long time and left a lot of my figures MOC. One of my good friends GrayskullWarrior, gave me that extra push to start a page and get into toy photography.  It’s such a supportive community too, which really helps when you’re just starting off I’ve found.

Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?

A:  Skeletor is probably one of my favourite figures to go to, who doesn’t enjoy a good old villain. 

Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?

A: Generally at home, because I’m not battling the elements. I also enjoy being able to setup my own lighting opposed to natural light to get the required effect I’m chasing.

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?

A: I think the most common awkward moment is trying to explain what your up to if a random passerby stops and starts questioning. Some people do not get it at all. 

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

A: Hard choice but I think Time Travel would be my superpower of choice. You just have so many options to go back to either a certain period of your life or explore the past/future.

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