Interview with @767_beanerboi

 In Interviews

IG @767_beanerboi

Q: How long have you been a toy photographer?

A: I’ve been a toy photographer for 2 years now.

Q: What got you started in toy photography?

A: I started to be interested in it when I saw pics on here from many other creators.

Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?

A: My favorite figures would have to be the 6inch star wars Stormtroopers. Or 1/12 scale, depending on brand.

Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?

A: Favorite place would have to be my house as it is a lot of land to work with.

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?

A: Well, weirdest thing was that a tree fell near me at a forest I was taking pictures in and it gave me an idea for a shot with a clone trooper.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

A: I would like to have empathetic abilities. I would just like to know what people really feel about me and others.

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