An interview with @toyreactionsinaction

 In Interviews

By @beermanphotography

Q: How long have you been a toy photographer?

A: I have officially been taking toy photos since 2010 but became a “toy photographer” in 2017.

IG @toyreactionsinaction

Q: What got you started in toy photography?

A: Back when I was a kid I use to love how the Star Wars vehicles and play-set boxes showed the toys all set up as though they were a scene from the movie. Those boxes inspired me to start setting up my toys in a similar fashion on my shelves. 
As I became older and began collecting toys I would find I didn’t have enough room to display them all set up that way so I began taking photos of them set up and then was able to display them back on my shelf and create something new and still share what I did. Once I got more active on Facebook and into groups people started to show off their photos with one another in the groups. It was great to hear feedback and learn different tricks and tips.

IG @toyreactionsinaction

Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?

A: Marvel Legends Spider-man. Most ML Spider-man figures have a good range of articulation and Spidey has fought everyone in the Marvel Universe so he’s easy to find a villain to face off against in just about any scenario.

Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?

A: I love taking photos at creeks, ponds or lakes, especially at parks. I also enjoy creating my own environment at home. Working on them and creating my own world to shoot the figure in is very enjoyable to me as well.

IG @toyreactionsinaction

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot? 

A: I was standing in a spot in a creek for so long trying to get the right shot that my foot had sunk into the mud and I lost my shoe when I pulled my foot out.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

A: Power to heal people.

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