An interview with @frankphotowerks

 In Interviews

By @beermanphotography

Q: How long have you been a toy photographer?

A: Two years

IG @frankphotowerks

Q: What got you started in toy photography?

A: I was into photography and toy collecting, but it wasn’t until I stumbled onto some Instagram accounts of 3.75 figures when I realized I could do it, too. I started out anonymous, until the Instagram algorithm brought over a lot of people from IRL, which has actually turned out to be a good thing. I’m all in now.

IG @frankphotowerks

Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?

A: Jawas are endlessly fascinating, especially the old Micro Machines ones I use for macrophotography.

Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?

A: I have three spots: My backyard, the Wildflower Center, and the Greenbelt.

IG @frankphotowerks

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?

A: The spot where I set up outside shares a fence with my neighbor Sonny, an older South Austin-type character, who can’t see well enough to understand what I’m doing but he often has a lot of input anyway. Mostly we talk about our trees.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

A: Matter Eater Lad

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