We Need Your Suggestions!

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We will be sending press releases to the media about Toy Photography and #WorldToyPicDay around the week of February 17. We will include your Instagram account for that specific area. But we don’t know all the newspapers, TV news, or websites/blogs in your country or US State.

What’s a press release? This is a notice that is sent to reporters and editors to see if they would like to write about a certain subject. In this case, toy photographers!

Using the link below, please suggest any local newspapers, national newspapers, TV News, or websites/Blogs in your country or USA State that you think would write or cover toy photography.


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  • Emanuel Gaete

    Chicos soy memo de memtoys y acá en Argentina los diarios más conocidos a nivel nacional son “la Nación” y “clarín” y en cuanto a televisión tenemos telefe, y el trece.
    Pero acá en Mendoza, provincia donde vivo los diarios más fuertes son “los Andes” y “diario uno”. Y en cuanto a televisión “canal 9” y “canal 7”
    Exitos, se puede!

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