An interview with @swphoto4523
Hello, @beermanphotography here with another interview!
Thank you for participating in this interview, I am very excited to talk with you!
Q: How long have you been a toy photographer?
A: I did a few shots back in 2001 with an old film camera, but I really got started in 2006 with digital cameras.

Q: What got you started in toy photography?
A: I’ve always taken collectibles out of the package and like to admire the craftsmanship put into them and study how well they capture the source material, and I’ve been doing general photography since 2003. When Sideshow Collectibles started their 1/6 Star Wars line, I got in from the first figure and was amazed how good they looked and how I finally had figures that looked like the characters from the movie like I’d dreamt of as a kid and I wanted to use my graphic design skills and photography to share with the world how much I loved the figures and characters they were based on.

Q: What is your favorite figure to shoot and why?
A: Hot Toys DX15 Captain Jack Sparrow. With multiple faces, posable eyes and a variety of unique hands, there are so many options to work with.
Q: What is your favorite place to take photos?
A: My old room at my parents’ house, it had windows that faced sunset which allowed me to capture natural lighting I haven’t been able to in any home since.

Q: What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened during a photo shoot?
A: I can’t really say anything weird has happened, certainly unexpected, batteries dying, limbs falling out of pose, figures falling over.
Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
A: Immortality because there are so many things I enjoy doing like photography and the idea of that ending scares me.